Browsing: Montreal

Montreal articles, news, reviews

Although few traces remain of Montreal’s Roaring Twenties era, the city was once renowned as an oasis of pleasure and transgression—where cabarets, illegal gambling and prostitution drew crowds in search of daring theatrical presentations and clandestine parties. This cultural and social ferment shaped the city’s nocturnal imagination, an era that La Nef intends to bring back to life with its concert Montréal la magnifique. Presented on April 2 under the direction of singer-songwriter and accordionist Steve Normandin, the show will bring together the talents of Guillaume Bourque (clarinet), Serge Lavoie (guitar), Clinton Ryder (double bass) and Catherine Meunier (percussion). “Sin…


Although Jeunesses Musicales Canada serves youth, the organization itself is no youngster; JMC celebrates its 75th anniversary throughout the 2024-25 season. To honour this milestone, JMC is hosting a variety of special events, from performances by acclaimed trumpeter and one-man-band Fred Solo to potted “bon-bon” versions of operas for children. With their various theatrical and participatory elements, these performances testify to JMC’s evolution throughout the years. “Initially, our concerts for young audiences were shorter versions of our concerts for the general public—so a shorter recital,” says Artistic Director Danièle Leblanc. “In the early 2000s there was a shift; we saw…


To cellist Noémie Raymond-Friset, music is just as much about heart as it is about technique. For her, the cello is a means of forging profound connections—with collaborators, audiences, and even communities worlds away. Born to music-loving parents who filled her early life with the sounds of Bach suites, Raymond-Friset picked up the violin at the age of four. But it was the cello that resonated with her three years later. “I found my instrument,” she recalls. “Something about the tone, the sound, and the register really spoke to me.” In her early career, mentors like violinist superstars Midori and…


Montreal-based presenter and producer of classical-music concerts, Pro Musica is centring their 2025 concert series around the theme of “prodigy music.” The series will feature both performers and composers who are prodigies, the rare and inspiring people who at a very young age “develop a musicality that is specific to mature musicians,” explains Artistic Director Irina Krasnyanskaya. As a pianist and piano professor, Krasnyanskaya has worked with gifted young musicians for many years. “I find it very inspiring to watch them grow, to help them with the path,” she says. Krasnyanskaya came up with this year’s theme at a piano-gala…


MONTREAL  Destinées March 22 at 7:30 p.m. – Maison symphonique  The Chœur St-Laurent, directed by Philippe Bourque, in collaboration with the Chœur de l’Université de Montréal, presents William Walton’s Belshazzar’s Feast, a monumental work for baritone, choir and orchestra. The program will be completed by Edward Elgar’s The Music Makers, performed by contralto Rose Naggar-Tremblay. Edelweiss March 29 at 3 p.m. – Maison symphonique Ensemble ArtChoral, conducted by Matthias Maute, presents a springtime concert featuring some of the most beautiful works celebrating spring: Richard Rodgers’s Edelweiss; excerpts from Georges Bizet’s opera Carmen; Edward Elgar’s Lux Aeterna; and Léo Delibes’s…


QUEBEC Arion Orchestre Baroque At the heart of Montreal’s musical life for over forty years, Arion Orchestre Baroque is a pioneer in Quebec and Canada in the world of early music on period instruments. Under the artistic direction of conductor and bassoonist Mathieu Lussier since 2019, Arion presents a concert series featuring internationally renowned guest conductors and soloists. The clarity and freshness of Arion’s interpretations of Baroque and Classical works are underpinned by a discography of over thirty critically acclaimed and award-winning titles. Committed to the creation and dissemination of youth and educational projects, and a partner of renowned…


Montreal, January 22, 2025 – Due to the significant challenges the entire cultural milieu is currently facing, and which are also affecting us, Orchestre Métropolitain has made the difficult decision to cancel some of its concerts – Fatal Attraction on March 13-14 and Latin Fiesta on May 16. Faced with rising production costs, inflation influencing the public’s cultural habits, and stagnating government subsidies, the OM had a responsibility to make this decision in order to regain a balanced budget and ensure the Orchestra’s long-term stability. All ticket holders will receive a refund within ten working days of the announcement of…


Les Idées heureuses’ Jan. 16th concert took the notion of historical performance to new heights. Musique et danse en Nouvelle-France was not only performed with period instruments from the 18th century such as viols and harpsichords but also featured dance and costumes from the era. The letters of Élisabeth Bégon were the main historical material. A diplomat’s wife in the early days of New France, Bégon’s letters provide a window into the experience of the colony’s elite. One letter makes light of a priest’s sermonizing against balls, another laments the harsh winters in her new home. Another yet mourns the…


Montreal, January 17, 2025 – The Orchestre symphonique de Montréal, its Music Director Rafael Payare, and La musique aux enfants are thrilled and immensely proud to announce the launch in Montreal of their El Sistema-inspired program. Over the next 5 years, this program will provide intensive and immersive musical education to more than 600 young people aged 4 to 16. Under the aegis of La musique aux enfants, the Programme El Sistema OSM will enable students to learn, in a group setting, to play an orchestral instrument, in sessions scheduled four times a week, three hours per day, after school hours. Since mid-November, the program has taken root in two schools…


On February 4th, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., École de musique Vincent-Indy opens its doors! During this lively evening, visitors will be able to learn about the pre-university programs in classical and jazz music (501.A0) and the double DEC offered in collaboration with Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf (Musique et Sciences de la nature (200.11), Musique et Sciences humaines (300.11) et Musique et Arts, lettres et communication (500.11)). Teachers and students will be on hand to present the four profiles offered to : Perfect your playing techniques: Interprétation profile (classical – jazz); Deepen an interest in musical composition: Création profile (classical -…

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