Browsing: Chamber Music

Music Monday 2013Launched by the Coalition for Music Educators in 2005, Music Monday unites over 600,000 music students and teachers across Canada in a simultaneous expression of music making on the first Monday in May (May 6, 2013) at 1 p.m. Eastern time. This year’s official song “Is Someone Singing”, composed by Barenaked Ladies’ Ed Robertson with lyrics by Robertson and astronaut Chris Hadfield, is downloadable from – Wah Keung ChanMusicians of the World Symphony OrchestraMontreal’s Musicians of the World Symphony Orchestra celebrates 7 years of music making with a Gala concert at the Rialto Theatre on Thursday, May…


Lundi en musique 2013L’événement Lundi en musique a été créé en 2005 par la Coalition pour l’éducation en musique. Le premier lundi du mois de mai (6 mai 2013) à 13h, heure avancée de l’Est, et au même moment d’un bout à l’autre du Canada, plus de 600 000 professeurs et étudiants de musique interpréteront simultanément des œuvres musicales. L’astronaute Chris Hadfield et Ed Robertson des Barenaked Ladies ont composé la chanson-thème officielle de l’événement qui peut être téléchargée depuis l’adresse Web suivante : – Wah Keung ChanL’Orchestre symphonique des musiciens du mondeL’Orchestre symphonique des musiciens du monde de Montréal célèbre…


This past weekend the world lost one of its greatest cellists. Hungarian-born Janos Starker died at the age of 88 after a long and distinguished career as an orchestral player, soloist and teacher. He was a child prodigy who gave his first performance of the Dvorak Cello Concerto at age 14. His older brothers were murdered by the Nazis and Starker himself spent time in an internment camp.Starker came to the United States in 1948 to take up the position of principal cellist of the Dallas Symphony. In 1952 he took up the same position with the Chicago Symphony under…


Virtuosos at the Chapelle Bon-PasteurOn April 8, Jonathan Crow and Andrew Wan, first violins at the OSM and TSO, recount the 20th- and 21st-century history of the violin duo. On April 12, the Ensemble Transmission invite percussionist François Rivalland for an evening of Aperghis, in which three young upcoming musicians will participate. – Renée BanvilleOpera de Montreal’s Atelier Lyric Performs a Menotti Double BillFor its annual production, the Atelier Lyric at the Opera de Montreal presents two one-act operas by Gian Carlo Menotti: The Old Maid and the Thief and Amahl and the Night Visitors. Musical direction is provided…


by Paul E. RobinsonOlga Guryakova, sopranoIan Bostridge, tenorDietrich Henschel, baritoneChildren’s Chorus of Greater DallasDallas Symphony ChorusDallas Symphony OrchestraJaap Van Zweden, conductorPaul Phillips, conductor (chamber orchestra)Myerson Symphony CentreDallas, TexasNovember 9, 2012By the late 1930s Germany, out to build its empire, had taken over Austria and Czechoslovakia. By September 1, 1939, when Germany attacked Poland, it had become clear to the rest of the world that Germany would not be satisfied until it had conquered the whole of Europe and the Soviet Union, just as Japan was on a track to crush China and the whole of Asia. There is not much…


Canadian soprano Edith Wiens gives masterclass at University of TorontoNow that both the Canadian Opera Company and Opera Atelier have wrapped up their successful fall seasons, operatic offerings aren’t as plentiful this week. However, I can heartily recommend the masterclass given by retired Canadian soprano Edith Wiens. A native of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and the daughter of a Mennonite preacher, Wiens graced the international concert and opera stage for a quarter century, delighting audience with her crystalline tone and aristocratic stage presence. I had the pleasure of interviewing her two years ago in Munich, on occasion of her receiving the Opera…


By John DelvaIn its third year, the Montreal International String Quartet Academy (MISQA) unites some of the foremost young string quartets from around the world to hone their skills through the guidance of experienced chamber musicians and concert performances. For its director, André J. Roy, the oral tradition—the sharing of knowledge between teacher and student—is one of the academy’s main focuses. This is not surprising seeing how many who have met the viola teacher highlight his affability. With prestigious faculty that includes Gerard Schultz and Günter Pichler of the Alban Berg Quartet, Michael Tree of the Guarneri Quartet, Paul Katz…


By Michèle-Andrée Lanoue Erreur de type 27The ensemble Erreur de type 27, the “presence of contemporary music” in Quebec City incarnate, is collaborating with Oktoécho for a reading where theatre and music collide for the presentation of Chants du prophète. Part improvised and part written, the performance draws on the philosophical/poetic anthology Le Prophète by Khalil Gibran. This premiere from composer Katia Makdissi-Warren and playwright-director Hanna Abd El Nour will be performed at the Palais Montcalm on March 31 at 8 p.m. www.erreurdetype27.comOrchestre symphonique de QuébecTwo orchestras, from the Conservatoire de musique de Québec and the music faculty of Université…


Kimmo Pohjonen, accordion & voice; Samuli Kosminen, string & accordion samples, programming; Kronos Quartet (David Harrington, John Sherba, violins; Hank Dutt, viola; Jeffrey Ziegler, cello) Ondine ODE 1185-2 (51 min 49 s) *** Here’s a neat lesson in brand name recognition and the advantage of a dedicated fan base. The cover of this album is dark blackish brown with red streaks. The title and artists are given in tiny letters and it is necessary to look into the booklet to establish Pohjonen’s and Kosminen’s claim to composition and arrangement of the music (a commission for Kronos). Aside from credits and…


by Paul E. RobinsonA lingering recession is the worst of times for the arts generally and for music education specifically. Hardly a day goes by without more news of cuts to funding of orchestras, theatres, art galleries, museums and schools. The bad news, however, is often offset by good news; for example, the Royal Conservatory of Music (Toronto, Canada) just announced a partnership with Carnegie Hall to introduce a national system of study and assessment in the U.S. modeled after the RCM’s comprehensive and highly respected programme, and the Venezuelan movement called El Sistema has taken root in the United…

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