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Witness the collaboration of the season, as two of Canada’s most beloved ensembles set sail once more. Chor Leoni reunites with Montreal’s famed ensemble La Nef for a concert of shanties and rollicking songs of the sea. Experience the perfect harmony of more than 70 voices, including the iconic sound of Shantyman Seán Dagher.
Artistes de l'évènement
Chor Leoni; La Nef; Erick Lichte, Conductor; Seán DagherChor Leoni: The Return Voyage
samedi, 17 février 2024
14:00 - 15:15
St. Andrew's-Wesley United
1022 Nelson St
Vancouver, BC
Canada, V6E 4S7
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This page is also available in / Cette page est également disponible en:
English (Anglais)