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Enjoy a unique immersive and meditative audiovisual experience in the Satosphere of the SAT (Society for Arts and Technology), featuring pianists Isak Goldschneider and Eve Egoyan, with visuals by Elysha Poirier and David Rokeby, and music by Hans Martin, Morton Feldman and Ann Southam. Performed by Eve Egoyan, Ann Southam’s Simple Lines of Enquiry takes us on a slow musical drift as we experience the emotional possibilities of the piano and its ethereal sonorities. Echoing this sonic promenade, David Rokeby’s video Machine for Taking Time leads us through an impossible Montréal panorama. Drawn from 750,000 images of the city taken over the course of the seasons and various weather conditions, the city gradually transforms unpredictably over time. A marvellous musical and visual ballad, where the colours of the piano resonate with those of the city. Also opening the programme, a creation by Quebec composer Hans Martin followed by Morton Feldman’s Palais of Mari, that slowly opens the door to a mysterious universe inspired by the palace of Mari, in the time of King Zimri-Lim. This introspective work, performed by Isak Goldschneider, also stands out for its infinite gentleness. It will be accompanied by video artist Elysha Poirier’s rich visual language.
Artistes de l'évènement
Participants Isak Goldschneider, piano Eve Egoyan, piano Elysha Poirier, video David Rokeby, videoM/NM festival: Machine for Taking Time — Palais de Mari
samedi, 15 février 2025
19:30 - 21:00
Société des Arts Technologiques
1201, Boul. Saint-Laurent
Montréal, Québec
Canada, H2X 2S6
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#_EVENTCLASSIFICATIONSThis page is also available in / Cette page est également disponible en:
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