Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Academy Award®–winning feature-length film EncantoTM comes to life with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra performing the score. EncantoTM tells the tale of the Madrigals, an extraordinary family living in a magical house in the mountains of Colombia. When Mirabel, the only ordinary Madrigal, discovers the magic surrounding their home is in danger, she may be her family’s last hope. EncantoTM received an Academy Award®, BAFTA, Golden Globe, and Producers Guild of America Award for Best Animated Feature. The soundtrack features original songs by Academy Award®–nominated, and Tony®- and GRAMMY®-winning songwriter/composer Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton, Moana) with an original score by Academy Award®–nominated composer Germaine Franco.
Presentation licensed by Disney Concerts. © All rights reserved.
Steven Reineke, conductor
Artistes de l'évènement
Steven Reineke, conductorToronto Symphony Orchestra: Disney’s Encanto in Concert – FILM WITH LIVE ORCHESTRA
dimanche, 9 mars 2025
14:00 - 16:00
Roy Thomson Hall
60 Simcoe Street
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M5J 2H5
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