Music for Nova Scotia


Update April 24, 2020: Nova Scotia Vigil

The Vigil for the victims in Nova Scotia was broadcast tonight and lasted one and a half hours including a moving performance by Natalie MacMaster. Here is the video.

Unfortunately, Nova Scotia soprano Measha Brueggergosman’s performance of Gounod’s Ave Maria was left off the vigil. Here is the performance and her interview on CBC Radio’s The Current about why she chose it.

Nova Scotia soprano Measha Brueggergosman posted this video on the evening of April 20, 2020. She wrote, “We here in Nova Scotia are now in a state of double shock. Our lives were already unrecognizable and now our souls are forced to re-shape themselves as well. I am holding up those who woke up in joy yesterday and went to bed in sorrow. I am holding close those who started their day in the unfathomable world we are ALL having to adjust to but ended their day awash in the unthinkable. The season we’re in prohibits us from gathering to express our collective grief so, as inadequate as my offering feels, I want to sing to anyone under the sound of my voice who needs to be comforted in the shadow of this outrageous tragedy.”



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