Vanda Treiser: Philanthropy and the Canadian Arts Vocal Institute

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LSM: How did you become interested in opera?

VT: Music and opera are at the heart of my life. With my Italian origins, opera is a family affair! It was my father who introduced me to it. I learned piano, dance and singing, but today the voice remains the instrument that fascinates me most. My two babies naturally became the Atelier lyrique de l’Opéra de Montréal and the Canadian Vocal Arts Institute. The development of young operatic careers is at the heart of my mission as a patron of the arts.

I am fortunate to be, with Bernard Stotland, co-chair of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Vocal Arts Institute, which has been fostering operatic careers for 20 years now, through an intensive opera training program every summer, in Montreal.

LSM: How do you see the importance of philanthropy for ICAV (Institut Canadien d’Art vocal) and the performing arts?

VT: I’d like to see more philanthropists like me become major partners of ICAV. Without philanthropic support, it’s impossible to sustain our activities. That’s why, in addition to my annual donation of $62,500 to cover the costs of our opera production, I will match an additional $150,000 by the end of 2024 when we succeed in raising this sum. All donations provide tangible support for these great talents of the next generation.

LSM: How does ICAV differ from other training programs?

VT: Sustained by our two artistic directors, Nicole Car and Étienne Dupuis, and our executive director, Marc-Antoine d’Aragon, the training our international teachers offer is unique in the opera world, thanks to its panorama of distinctive tools—the webcast audition with orchestra, seminars on performance preparation, social-media management and career management, demo recording, in addition to more common elements such as opera production, a gala, master classes and daily singing lessons. I’d love to see every young artist’s hopes come true, and it’s people like me, who conclude that we need to invest in the next generation of opera singers, who will make it happen!

LSM: What can we expect this summer?

The Montreal Vocal Arts Festival offers many events for the public. But, you won’t want to miss our opera production with OCM. We’ll be welcoming two directors, Josh Major, who has directed 17 operas for ICAV, and the great Lorraine Pintal. This great lady of the stage will bring Strauss’s Die Fledermaus to life in a unique 360-degree formula, with the audience positioned all around the action, to fully experience the power of opera!

ICAV’s Montreal Vocal Arts Festival runs July 17-Aug. 11. www.ICAV.CA

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