Esprit Orchestra Marks Ontario’s 150th Anniversary

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Esprit Orchestra Marks Ontario’s 150th Anniversary with Expanded Music Education Program

Esprit has expanded its annual education and outreach programming in major ways for the 2017/18 season. The cornerstone project this season will be Ontario Resonance, a free student mentorship program to mark the 150th Anniversary of Ontario.

Running from September to November, the program focuses on the creation of new music by students with the theme of Ontario places, sounds, and cultural ties. Professional composers mentor students in six schools in the GTA region, providing them with hands-on performance and composition opportunities. The program incorporates multiple artistic disciplines, and includes students from diverse backgrounds.

“The most complete way to teach students about music,” said Alan Torok, Arts Faculty, Earl Haig S.S., “is through the creating of it.”

Each participating school will host a concert in November, during which the students’ compositions will be performed by a combination of student musicians and members of Esprit Orchestra. For a full list of participating schools and concerts, please visit our website.

In addition to their role as mentors, Ontario Resonance composers have been commissioned by Esprit to compose short pieces under the same Ontario theme as their students. These pieces will all be premiered by members of Esprit Orchestra at the Ontario Resonance Finale Concert on November 23, 2017 at Trinity St. Paul’s Centre in Jeanne Lamon Hall. The concert will be free of charge and open to the general public.

The Ontario Resonance Finale Concert features six world premieres by Toronto based composers Eugene Astapov, Mark Duggan, Adam Scime, Bekah Simms, Christopher Thornborrow, and Christina Volpini.

Eugene Astapov, who will be conducting the Finale Concert, was a participant of Esprit’s Creative Sparks Mentoring program as a high school student. He went on to study at Julliard and Eastman School of Music; now, a professional composer based in Toronto, Astapov is coming full circle as a mentor to Ontario Resonance students at his alma mater, Earl Haig Secondary School.

Esprit’s Ontario Resonance program was made possible with support from the Government of Ontario.

Alex Pauk, Music Director & Conductor



Thursday November 23, 2017 | Ontario Resonance Finale Concert

Eugene Astapov – conductor

Rebecca Gray – soprano

Aline Morales – voice


Eugene Astapov (Canada) Ephemeral Songs (2017)*

Mark Duggan (Canada) Maracatu Imaginário (2017)*

Adam Scime (Canada) Melopoeia (2017)*

Bekah Simms (Canada) Remnant Shoreline (2017)*

Christopher Thornborrow (Canada) Ghosts of Trees (2017)*

Christina Volpini (Canada) to reach the other shore with each step of the crossing (2017)*

*World Premiere

Trinity St. Paul’s United Church and Centre for Faith, Justice and the Arts

Jeanne Lamon Hall

427 Bloor Street West, Toronto

7:30pm Concert

General Admission is free

Please reserve your free ticket in advance at:

Esprit Orchestra is Canada’s only full-sized orchestra devoted exclusively to performing and promoting new orchestral music. Esprit Orchestra gratefully acknowledges Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council, Ontario Arts Foundation, SOCAN Foundation, The Koerner Foundation, The Hal Jackman Foundation, The Mary-Margaret Webb Foundation, Timothy & Frances Price, Judy & Wilmot Matthews, and The Max Clarkson Family Foundation for the their generous support.


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