NYO Canada names Matonabee Paulette as 2022’s Visual Artist


December 21, 2022, Toronto, Ontario – The National Youth Orchestra of Canada  (NYO Canada) is excited to announce Matonabee Paulette as NYO Canada’s Visual Artist for its 63rd season.

Paulette is an imaginative and passionate outdoor photographer who has captured stunning displays of  natural landscapes. Born and raised in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, Matonabee grew up near Wood  Buffalo National Park, where he developed an eye for the beauty and fragility of the land and wildlife.  Through his works, he has created an exuberant and breathtaking display of the north with truthful  interpretations of topography, peaks of dawn and the northern lights.

After a search for Canadian talent, there was no doubt that Paulette’s images complement the  sentiments of NYO Canada’s 2022 session. As we continue to work towards our first in-person session  in two years, we reflect on our mission and spirit. NYO Canada has selected four of Paulette’s stunning  images to represent our vision of discovery, learning, and hope.

Matonabee Paulette’s Gallery is on Facebook and Pictorem at Matonabee Paulette Photography or  Instagram at mattygahjue01.

About Matonabee Paulette:

Matonabee Paulette is a self-taught photographer with a passion for nature, landscapes, and most  recently, outdoor portrait photography utilizing natural light. He enjoys going for hikes in the wee  hours of the morning to catch the perfect sunrise or braving the cold to capture the northern lights. His  passion for photography started in 2014 when his wife gifted him his first camera, which led to the start  of Matonabee Paulette Photography.

Matonabee was born and raised in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, where he and his wife continue to  live and raise their two children, with a third on the way. Having grown up near Wood Buffalo National  Park, his love of the outdoors grew tremendously with the freedom to hike throughout the Park and  photograph the beautiful areas of Fort Smith and wild animals… if he was lucky!

When he is not busy with his family, his other hobbies include snowmobiling in the winter months or  riding his dirt bike in the summer, watching Netflix with his wife, or enjoying a strong cup of coffee.  Matonabee’s goal is to photograph the beauty of Fort Smith and surrounding areas through his lens for  you to enjoy inside the comfort of your home and capture candid images of families to cherish for a  lifetime.

Matonabee Paulette est un photographe autodidacte passionné par la nature, les paysages et, plus  récemment, la photographie de portraits à l’extérieur utilisant la lumière naturelle. Il aime faire des  randonnées aux petites heures du matin pour admirer le lever du soleil ou braver le froid pour  photographier les aurores boréales. Sa passion pour la photographie a commencé en 2014 lorsque sa

femme lui a offert son premier appareil photo, ce qui a conduit au lancement de Matonabee Paulette  Photography.

Matonabee est né et a grandi à Fort Smith, dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest, où lui et sa femme  continuent de vivre et d’élever leurs deux enfants, et un troisième est en route. Ayant grandi près du  parc national Wood Buffalo, son amour du plein air s’est considérablement développé avec la liberté de  faire de la randonnée dans le parc et de photographier la magnifique région de Fort Smith et les  animaux sauvages… quand il en a la chance!

Lorsqu’il n’est pas trop occupé avec sa famille, ses autres passe-temps incluent la motoneige en hiver ou  la moto en été, regarder Netflix avec sa femme ou savourer une tasse de café fort. Les objectifs de  Matonabee sont de photographier la beauté de Fort Smith et de ses environs pour que vous puissiez en  profiter dans le confort de votre maison, et de capturer des images de familles à chérir toute une vie.

About NYO Canada:

The mission of the National Youth Orchestra of Canada (NYO Canada) is to recruit the best young classical  musicians from across the country and prepare them for careers as professional orchestral musicians.  Each year, NYO Canada auditions more than 500 musicians ages 16-28.

Under the guidance of our world-renowned faculty of professional musicians and educators, orchestra  members participate in the NYO Canada Chamberfest and Orchestral Training Institute, including a  recording session, and a concert tour with performances in Canada and abroad in some of the world’s  finest concert halls.

As the bridge between music education and a music career, NYO Canada’s vision is to launch Canada’s  next generation of professional orchestral musicians by offering a comprehensive program that encompasses a full range of skills and experiences, entirely tuition free. Additionally, each member of the  orchestra receives a personal scholarship generously provided by our sponsors and donors.

The mandate of NYO Canada is to discover and inspire well-rounded and skilled orchestral musicians, to  support and promote Canadian emerging composers and artists, and to build appreciation for classical  music among audiences in every corner of the nation.

La mission de l’Orchestre national des jeunes du Canada (NYO Canada) est de recruter les meilleurs  jeunes musiciens et musiciennes classiques de tous les coins du pays en vue de les préparer pour une  carrière en musique orchestrale professionnelle. Chaque année, NYO Canada auditionne plus de 500  musiciens de 16 à 28 ans.

Sous la direction de notre corps enseignant de renommée mondiale composé de musiciens et  d’éducateurs professionnels, les membres de l’orchestre participent au festival de musique de chambre  de NYO Canada et à l’institut de formation orchestrale, prennent part à une session d’enregistrement et  entreprennent une tournée englobant des prestations au Canada et à l’étranger dans certaines des plus  belles salles de concert au monde.

Se voulant un pont entre l’éducation musicale et une carrière musicale, NYO Canada a pour vision de  lancer la prochaine génération de musiciens d’orchestre professionnels en offrant un programme  complet qui englobe toute une gamme d’aptitudes et d’expériences, tout cela sans frais de scolarité. De  plus, chaque membre de l’orchestre reçoit une bourse individuelle fournie par nos commanditaires et  donateurs.


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