Montreal, March 12, 2021 – The Opéra de Montréal’s board of directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Me René Branchaud, a partner at the law firm of Lavery, as board President. With over 30 years of experience in the fields of securities law, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate law, Mr. Branchaud has built a strong business network he can call upon when carrying out the mandates entrusted to him. He succeeds outgoing President Bernard Stotland, who has been at the helm of the board of directors for close to 10 years. Mr. Stotland will remain an active member of the board as an officer, in the position of Past-President
“On behalf of the members of the board of directors, I would like to sincerely thank Bernard Stotland for his years of commitment and his unwavering support for the Opéra de Montréal,” stated Ms. Louise Roy, Vice-President of the board. “Mr. Stotland put his great passion for opera to work for the institution, surrounding himself with opera-lovers and generous donors, thereby rallying philanthropic efforts around our wonderful Montreal institution. We are indebted to him for a sound organization that reaches out into the community and that is continuing its mission to develop emerging talent,” she added.
Elected unanimously at the Annual General Assembly on February 24, Me René Branchaud has been a board member since 2012, notably as Vice-President. “Me Branchaud is becoming our President at a key moment for the company, in this new post-pandemic era,” said Ms. Roy. “I join my voice to those of my colleagues, the members of the board of directors, in wishing him success during his term. He has our full confidence,” she concluded.
“Our priority is to ensure the vitality of the Opéra de Montréal, in a context of transformation,” stated Me René Branchaud, new President of the Opéra de Montréal’s board of directors. “While presenting works from the repertoire, the company intends to continue to produce contemporary works and to foster the development of young artists from here at home, through the Atelier lyrique. Diversity will be central to the Opéra de Montréal’s actions in the coming years, both in its structure and in it’s artistic programming,” he concluded.
The Board of Directors will now be composed as follows :
President – Me. René Branchaud
Past-President – Mr. Bernard Stotland CA, CPA, FCA, FCPA
Vice-Presidents – Ms. Louise Roy OC; OQ et Mr. Louis Arseneault
Treasurer – Mr. François Carrier
Secretary – Mr. Pascal Lépine
Members at large
Mr. Denis Couture
Me Bruno-Étienne Duguay
Mr. Frédéric Godbout
Me Joanie Lapalme
Me Christian Leblanc
Dr François Loubert
Mr. Guillaume Marion
Ms. Sylvie Marois
Mr. Richard Pan
Ms. Emmelle Segal
Ms. Vanda Treiser
Ms. Elizabeth Wirth
For further details, see