In an unfortunate incident on December 11, celebrated British cellist Sheku Kanneh-Mason was denied boarding on an Air Canada flight with his cello. This resulted in him and his sister, pianist Isata Kanneh-Mason, missing a sold-out concert at The Royal Conservatory of Music’s Koerner Hall, which was to take place that evening.
The Kanneh-Masons issued the following statement on December 11:
Dear everyone,
We are deeply sad to not be able to perform for you this evening. We had severe misfortune with the flights today, including a cancelled flight and denial of boarding with cello on another. We really value all of your support and are committed to coming to Toronto as soon as possible to share our music with you. We are so sorry to not be meeting you all this evening as we were really looking forward to it!
With love,
Sheku and Isata Kanneh-Mason
The Conservatory’s Executive Director, Mervon Mehta, and the Kanneh-Mason’s management team were quickly able to secure a new date for this concert, which will now take place on June 3, 2025. The program remains unchanged and consists of cello sonatas by Fauré, Mendelssohn, and Poulenc, as well as the Canadian premiere of Natalie Kloudas “Tor Mordôn.”
Sheku Kanneh-Mason rose to stardom after winning the BBC Young Music competition in 2016 and in 2018 performing at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at Windsor Castle that was watched by two billion people worldwide. The Kanneh-Mason family have transformed the world of classical music with their stunning performances and sincere advocacy, and the collaboration between this brother and sister duo is a joy to behold. “Immensely engaging players: a star duo is born,” stated The Independent.
Sheku and Isata Kanneh-Mason previously appeared in Koerner Hall on May 6, 2022.
The Royal Conservatory’s 2024-25 season Presenting Performance Partner: TELUS
Sheku Kanneh-Mason with Isata Kanneh-Mason
Tuesday, June 3, 2025 at 8pm
Koerner Hall
Tickets from $50
All concerts take place at The Royal Conservatory of Music
TELUS Centre for Performance and Learning, 273 Bloor Street West, Toronto
Tickets and subscriptions are available online at,
by calling 416.408.0208, or in person at the Weston Family Box Office.
All advertised prices include service charge and 13% HST.
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starting 3 hours before all performances presented by The Royal Conservatory. Ticket prices will vary.
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