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The Canada Council for the Arts is awarding prizes to seven distinguished artists in dance, photography, music, literature, and visual and/or media arts. These prizes underscore the excellence of these artists’ careers in their respective disciplines.
Here are our winners for 2018:
Duke and Duchess of York Prize in Photography ($8,000): Carol Sawyer
Jacqueline Lemieux Prize ($6,000): Rosanna Terracciano – dance
Robert Fleming Prize ($2,000):
Fjóla Evans – musical composition
Joan Lowndes Award ($3,500):
Sylvie Parent – visual and media arts
Joseph S. Stauffer Prizes
($5,000 each):
Jean-François Sénéchal – literature
Christian Bouchard – music
Vishal Jugdeo – visual arts
This page is also available in / Cette page est également disponible en:
Francais (French)