Browsing: Summer

Classical Music

The Orchestre symphonique de Montréal and Music Director Rafael Payare are thrilled to unveil the OSM’s 2024 summer programming, featuring among other events the Orchestra’s 11th Virée classique.

Classical Music

En raison du contexte sanitaire, plusieurs camps pourraient ne pas avoir lieu en personne. 
Veuillez vous en assurer auprès des organisateurs. Due to the health…


Flash version here. For Canadian theatre-goers, summer means Shakespeare! Across Canada, festivals will perform the Bard’s plays for audiences in venues from Stratford’s Festival Theatre…

Multimedia Art Cirq performs at the Alianait Arts Festival

Flash version here. Luminato Festival (Toronto, June 6-15) This packed ten-day festival is overflowing with too many events to even begin to mention here! Among…