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Francais (French)
Here you’ll find out the explanations of the template, with some examples to clarify the information we need for the calendar. If any doubt, please write to: or call to 514-948-2520, extension 1.
Event title (English): Should include the name of the organization and the title of the concert
- Example: LMMC Concerts: Yo-Yo Ma Plays Bach in Recital
Event description (English): Description that will appear on the website
Email: Must be the one associated with your user account in “”
Location name: Name of the Hall, venue, church, etc. If web event, put the name of the organization.
Location_address: street number and street name. If web event, put the address of the organization.
Location_town: City
Location_state: Complete name of the Province (no abbreviation) (Ex. Quebec, NOT QC)
Location_postcode: Postal code (ex. H2T 2X8)
Location region: Must be:
- Newfoundland
- Nova Scotia
- New Brunswick
- Prince Edward Island
- Greater Montreal Area
- Quebec (elsewhere)
- Greater Quebec City Area
- Greater Toronto Area
- Ontario (elsewhere)
- Manitoba
- Ottawa-Gatineau
- Saskatchewan
- Alberta
- British Columbia
- Northern Territories
Location_country: Country (Ex. Canada)
Event start date: Must be in this format YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2023-01-15)
Event start and end time: format 24 hr time, hh:mm:ss; Events must end on the same day (if it goes to the next day, please leave end time blank)
- Example: 19:30:00 or 22:00:00
print-summary-english (printed edition. 75 characters max.): This is the description that will appear in the magazine, 75 CHARACTERS MAXIMUM. This should be concise but should tell the reader what they need to know about the concert so they want to buy the ticket. It should have [Name of the concert series/festival] + [Name of the artist] + [concert program]. Do not put the time, location or price. Do NOT put verbs. Examples:
- LMMC Concerts: Yo-Yo Ma, Bach
- OSM: Mahler: Fifth Symphony, Kent Nagano, dir.
- Opéra de Montréal: Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro
COVID-19: Virtual events (online)
During these hard times marked by the pandemic COVID-19, we adapt our service in order to meet our clients’ needs. This is why we added a new option in the “Location” section.
By the online form:
Please check the option “this event is online” and submit the business address of the organization in the location field. Note that this applies only to Canada-based organizations. If you represent a non-Canadian organization, please leave the location field empty (address, postal code, etc.). Don’t forget also to indicate the link to your virtual event’s web page.
By the Excel document:
Please submit the business address of the organization in the location field. For the location region, please select “WEB”. Note that this applies only to Canada-based organizations. If you represent a non-Canadian organization, please leave the location field empty (address, postal code, etc.). Don’t forget also to indicate the link to your virtual event’s web page in the appropriate field.
To fill out the form, please click the following link.
For the online form as for the Excel document, please note that we will only mention the URL address of your main website, without any slash included.
This page is also available in / Cette page est également disponible en:
Francais (French)