Editorial (April 2024)

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Welcome to the April/May 2024 national issue of La Scena Musicale. Tenor Pene Pati is featured on the cover of the English edition, and Canadian playwright Mishka Lavigne is our French-edition cover artist. This issue marks our fifth of six national issues, in our six-issue 28th season.


This issue contains an exciting variety of content—from interviews with stars of the operatic stage such as Pene Pati, Michael Spyres, and Joyce El-Khoury, to features on arts leaders Dr. Peter Simon and Mark Gillespie. We sit down with Les Violons du Roy, the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, Pro Musica, the Festival de la Voix and Les Printemps Slaves to get an inside scoop on their upcoming concerts.

David Potvin shares insights on his upcoming album, and the founders of Long & McQuade reflect on the store’s legacy. Along with our Spring festival and summer study guides, our feature on CAMMAC shines a light on the joys of summer music education. This year’s Concours de Musique International de Montreal focuses on the piano, and we continue our annual predictions.

Our Calendar team has compiled over 590 concerts from Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa to Toronto in this print edition, and more concerts can be found on our website for Alberta and British Columbia.

As always, we offer reviews of recently released albums—both classical and jazz—as well as a selection of book reviews.


In February, we ran our 14th annual Singing Valentines campaign with the aim of sharing the joy of personalized serenades. This year, we distributed over 100 free Singing Valentines to seniors, as well as a number of paid serenades. We would like to thank our subscribers, the La Scena team, and all of our participating singers for making this year’s Singing Valentines such a great success.

La Scena Radio

In December and January, we tested our new streaming radio station by playing recordings of our featured cover artists, Maria Callas and Leonard Bernstein. We are now streaming more structured programming, including recordings reviewed in this issue, and other newly released albums. We hope to launch a mobile app to make it easier for you to listen on your phone. Visit myscena.org/radio.


La Scena has evolved with changing consumer habits in media consumption, while also maintaining its core mission: to promote music and the arts. Our print magazine will continue to provide quality curated articles and interviews in both English and French, while our website will focus on news and events.

As we look ahead to the 2024-25 season, we aim to increase both digital and print content. As this issue demonstrates, we have many talented writers and we wish to give space for their voices. Frequent increases in the price of magazine paper, however, are cause for concern. We hope you will consider supporting our magazine through a donation and/or by joining our fundraising committee by contacting us at [email protected].

Another way to support the magazine is through the LSM Boutique at mySCENA.org, where greeting cards and tickets to our partners’ events are available for purchase. We are also reviving our Discovery Box, which was suspended during COVID.

As a result of the pandemic, we have changed from street distribution to home delivery. We invite our readers to purchase subscriptions so as to ensure they continue to receive all of our annual issues. Subscriptions can also be purchased for others, and make an ideal gift for parents or artists.

As always, La Scena Musicale maintains a vigorous presence on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. The website offers new resources almost daily. The live performing arts are back, and La Scena Musicale is here to support them.

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  • 6 Editorial
  • 8 Industry News
  • 10 Spring Festival Guide
  • 12 Festival de la Voix
  • 12 Printemps Slaves
  • 14 David Potvin
  • 14 CMIM Piano 2024
  • 15 Anderson & Roe
  • 15 Prix d’Europe 2024
  • 16 Mark Gillespie & OAcademy
  • 18 Dr. Peter Simon
  • 19 Joyce El-Khoury & Serouj Kradjian
  • 19 Verdi Goes to Church
  • 20 St. Lawrence Choir
  • 21 La Chapelle de Québec
  • 22 Pene Pati
  • 24 Singing Valentines
  • 25 Michael Spyres
  • 26 Mishka Lavigne
  • 28 Nadia Labrie
  • 28 Long & McQuade
  • 29 CAMMAC
  • 30 Summer Camp Guide 2024
  • 32 Jazz
  • 34 CD Reviews
  • 37 New Releases
  • 38 National Calendar


This page is also available in / Cette page est également disponible en: Francais (French)


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