Editorial (June 2022)

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Welcome to the June 2022 issue of La Scena Musicale, our first national summer festival issue since the beginning of the pandemic.

Since our April/May national issue, COVID restrictions have been relaxed in Canada, concert halls are allowed to return to 100 per cent capacity without need for masks—although some, like Ottawa’s Music and Beyond, will stick with the two-metre rule, restrict capacity to 25 per cent and keep masks mandatory. La Scena Musicale advocates that masks should still be worn at all times indoors.

Our last national June issue in 2019 listed 550 Canadian summer arts festivals. For 2022, the number of festivals came in at 500, showing that Canadian festivals have rebounded and Canada is still the land of festivals.

La Scena Musicale’s 26th annual Summer Festival Guide is again glossy, all-colour and in the bigger three-column format. This is Canada’s largest directory of summer arts and music festivals—­classical music, jazz, world, folk, country, pop and rock music, theatre, dance, film, visual arts and competitions.

This summer issue comes in separate English and French editions with a combined print run of 60,700 copies (more than double our normal 25,000 copies) and is distributed nationally including ­Vancouver and Edmonton/Calgary.

The issue features soprano Mireille Asselin on the English cover, cellist Elinor Frey on the French cover, and includes profiles of pianists Isabelle David, Jennifer King and Minna Re Shin, composer Éric Champagne, Présence Autochtone, Harmonie des saisons, who just won a Juno, and David John Pike on Vaughan Williams. As always, we offer reviews of interesting classical and jazz recordings.

On April 4, conductor Boris Brott (a long-time LSM Ambassador) was killed in a senseless hit and run. We pay tribute to Boris with a ­souvenir sketch by Hefka and the reprint of Donna Brown’s poem Coda that was recited at his funeral. Boris’s third and final instalment of his tribute to his mother, the late Lotte Brott, is also published.

National Calendar

Just as in the past, we present a national print calendar, containing 550 concert listings from coast to coast to coast. Owing to space limitations, all listings are in summary form. We invite readers to consult our website—www.mySCENA.org—for complete details in both English and French.

Mother’s Day Concert

Our second Mother’s Day Celebration (concert and personalized serenades) was a success. Thanks to all those who donated. The May 6 concert is still available for 60 days. Get your free ticket at bit.ly/MDConcert22.

Subscription and Donation Drive

With changing consumer habits in media consumption, La Scena has evolved while also maintaining our core mission to promote music and the arts. Our print magazine will continue to provide quality curated articles and interviews in both English and French, while our website will focus on news and events.

In 2022, we aim for more content, and we will be introducing a new column, Highlights, on our website to curate interesting feature ­articles and interviews. We also plan to publish more national issues in 2022-23, but the frequent increases in prices of magazine paper is a cause for concern. Furthermore, we plan to celebrate our 25th anniversary in the fall. We hope you will consider supporting our magazine through a ­donation and/or joining our fundraising committee by contacting us at don@lascena.org.

Because of the pandemic, we changed from street distribution to home delivery. Many of you are holding a free sample issue for the first time. We hope we have sparked your interest with our passionate team of ­writers and editors. To make sure you continue to receive the ­magazine at home, please become a subscriber or give a subscription to someone special. It makes an ideal gift for music-loving family ­members and artists.

As always, La Scena Musicale maintains a vigorous presence on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The website offers new resources almost daily. Pandemic or no pandemic, the arts will thrive. As will La Scena Musicale.

Have a great musical and artistic summer!


  • 8    Editorial
  • 10  Industry News
  • 12  Boris Brott (1944 – 2022)
  • 13  Lotte Brott: a Tribute (Part 3)
  • 14  Minna Re Shin
  • 14  Bourgie Hall
  • 16  Tim Brady with the NEM
  • 16  Chants Libres
  • 18  Festival Classica 2022
  • 18  Isabelle David & Auguste Descarries
  • 20  Jennifer King
  • 21  Microphone Setups
  • 22  New Releases
  • 23  Did you know…?
  • 24  CD Reviews
  • 28  Mireille Asselin
  • 32  Elinor Frey
  • 34  David John Pike
  • 34  Harmonies des saisons
  • 35  Yourcenar – Une Île de Passions
  • 36  First Peoples’ Festival
  • 38  Festival de Lanaudière
  • 38  Carrefour Mondial de l’Accordéon
  • 39  La Nef
  • 40  Vernon Proms
  • 40  14th Banff String Quartet Competition
  • 42  Festival Highlights
  • 45  Visual Arts
  • 46  Jazz
  • 48  Festival Guide
  • 62  National Calendar


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This page is also available in / Cette page est également disponible en: Francais (French)


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